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Whole Blood Elements


Whole blood metals are the standard for diagnosis of lead, mercury or other metal toxicity or poisoning, and are also used to assess recent or ongoing exposure to potentially toxic elements.

Whole blood analysis measures total element levels that circulate extracellularly in serum/plasma, as well as intracellularly within blood cells.

Turnaround Time

3 to 5 days

This test is useful for

  • Alopecia
  • Anemia
  • Bone Density
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Depression
  • Dermatitis or Poor Wound Healing
  • Detoxification Therapy
  • Fatigue
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms
  • Hypertension
  • Immune Function
  • Impaired Glucose Tolerance
  • Inflammation
  • Kidney Function
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Parkinson’s-like Symptoms
  • Sexual Impotence or Decreased Testosterone Production
  • Vision Problems


When should this test be performed? Prior to detox or after detox?

Blood elemental analysis should be performed prior to the initiation of, and intermittingly during, metal detoxification. Toxic metals disrupt essential element metabolism and are antagonistic to some elements such as cadmium to zinc and lead to calcium. Further, commonly utilized metal detoxification agents can cause significantly increased urinary wasting of some essential elements. For example, EDTA has a very high affinity for zinc and manganese, and DMPS results in marked increases in copper excretion. Therefore, appropriate evaluation of essential element status is an integral component of safe and effective metal detoxification therapy.
What is the limitation of testing metals in Whole blood?

Analysis of toxic elements/metals in whole blood is useful for assessment of recent or ongoing exposure to the toxins but does not provide accurate information about net retention of toxic metals in the body. For example, blood lead levels peak about five hours after acute exposure and then decrease exponentially with a half-life in blood of about one month. Evaluation and elimination of ongoing exposure to toxic metals is another important component of efficient metal detoxification.

Accurate assessment of essential element status in the most appropriate compartment is highly recommended for determination of appropriate supplementation. The absorption, transport, and metabolism of essential elements are highly integrated and regulated. Inappropriate supplementation or dietary imbalance of elements can have significant adverse health effects. For example, excess intake of zinc or molybdenum can result in copper deficiency and excess assimilation of manganese can have serious neurotoxic effects that are expressed as Parkinson's-like disease.
What is whole blood Analysis tests used for? Do whole blood tests for intracellular or extracellular levels of circulating elements? What are the functions of Intracellular elements and extracellular elements? Why is it necessary to elements in WBC?

Whole blood analysis is an excellent test for measuring the levels of both intracellular and extracellular circulating elements.

Extracellular elements have functions in serum/plasma or are transported to tissues in serum/plasma associated with specific proteins or albumen.

Intracellular elements have very specific functions as obligatory constituents of metalloproteins/enzymes in red blood cells and lymphocytes.

The red and white blood cells serve as surrogate cells representative of peripheral cells in general. Some essential elements, such as selenium, are portioned in and have important physiological roles in both the intracellular and extracellular compartments. Likewise, the toxic metal lead is transported in both the fluid and cellular (red blood cells) compartments of blood. Therefore, measurement of elements in both blood compartments permits a complete evaluation of total blood element levels.





Click any analyte name for additional clinical information, including reference ranges, specimen collection, stability and rejection criteria.

Arsenic; whole blood
Barium; whole blood
Cadmium; whole blood
Calcium; whole blood
Chromium; whole blood
Cobalt; whole blood
Copper; whole blood
Lead; whole blood
Lithium; whole blood
Magnesium; whole blood
Manganese; whole blood
Mercury; whole blood
Molybdenum; whole blood
Nickel; whole blood
Platinum; whole blood
Selenium; whole blood
Strontium; whole blood
Thallium; whole blood
Tungsten; whole blood
Uranium; whole blood
Vanadium; whole blood
Zinc; whole blood

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